Today we are having a group discussion about the Christmas party here is the list what we identified the goals my contribution is in a black pen.
Here is a list of ways of coming to a decision one way is to have to do a raffle to try vote on someone
the other way is to do a debate on it
or to try drawing straws.
As a team we decided on a menu for our Christmas party, then each individual designed a menu for us to vote on which one we wanted to use for the
party this was one way of making a group decision
here is my menu
I think it was a success because we achieved our aims to organize our Christmas dinner which we enjoyed.
Each of us had to design our own Christmas Menu and also we had to wear our Christmas jumpers.
As a group we decided to support a children's charity,before we collected anything we had to vote then go around the building and ask people to donate money we made a good handful of money £38.
What was successful was we manage the raised £38 money for charity
The Christmas party was good fun and we all had the meal we wanted
What wasn't successful was we ran out time when it came to voting for the best menu as we didn't finish the design soon enough but we had a quick vote with all the learners and staff and i was the winner , i won some sweets