Wednesday 20 January 2016

Music For Performance Task 1a 1b 8 / 1 / 2016

Today we are looking at how music changes the mood or the atmosphere. The first clip we looked at was the baby dancing group which was an Evan Advert. The film was weird because there were children dancing to adult music with baby faces. Also it's kind of funny and it looks like the children are enjoying themselves in the trailer. The music helps to make it stand out, also it keeps me interested.

Here is the link to the youtube video

The next clip we looked at was Alien 3 and it's kind of a scary jumpy movie to watch. The mood is very terrifying which is created with help from the music. It starts as a slow tempo, quiet piece of music and it slowly gets louder so it gets more and more scary. All the instruments are real, this makes the soundtrack sound bigger and I think this adds to the tension.

Charlie Chaplin

The first thing you notice is that there is only music in this film there is no other sound. There's  no talking but every time Charlie moves in the film there's an instrument a violin which plays every time he walks, if he does something sudden there is a loud musical stab that makes you jump. The lion had a trombone sound so it made the lion seem powerful and added tension at the end, i thought it was a bit weird because he took a long time to get out of the cage time even though the women opened the cage for him. But i thought it was quite funny and enjoyed it the music kept me interested and put me in a good mood.
This is a link to the movie

At the start of the film there is the sound of bells and children with music quietly in the background which is slowly getting louder this make you feel nervous , also what i like about this film is that there are lots of sounds  playing with the music which is like Opera, when the helicopters come it sounds like there is war going on with the army and big guns shooting bombs, the mood of the music becomes very victorious. The vibe is very strong and tense and it looks like the soldiers in the helicopters are going to win because the  music makes them seem very powerful
Here is the link to the clip


  1. Good work Kira, but remember that you need to read the questions carefully so you get a full understanding of what you need to answer and how you answer.

  2. A good understanding of how the music affects the mood and with a little more practise your work should be great.
