Base drum mic which is used for recording in the studio and live performance AKG SA40
big and is good for loud bass sounds like a kick drum or in front of a bass rig as an alternative sound to DI
This is a SM 58 dynamic microphone mainly used in a live performance it is not as sensitive as a condenser but is very strong and hard waring
This is a condenser mic mainly used in a studio recording session for vocals it is a Rhode NT2 it is sensitive and good for vocal recording
Stage Snake
This is what we use to send individual signals to individual channels on the computer
ie Voice on 1 Bass on 2 kick drum on 3 and so on
We would send the signal to the audio interface that is connected to the computer and separate the channels in Logic pro
Here is an example of Kai setting up a condenser microphone using a mic stand this is a lesson we had on setting up a mic stand and safely putting it away
Well done Kira we just need to practice what we have learnt today for it to sink in