Wednesday 30 November 2016


One day on Friday night Kira and Bianca were walking up to meet Toni and Ben up Potty Heights because nobody was on the street and it was quiet. As they were walking up they met Jake and Jordan near the shops but they were looking for Talia, Paris and Luke. Kira got a phone call and it was Zak and Kai saying they saw something in Scott Hall field.

They all met and gathered together and ran to the field, Zak said something fell out of the sky and it was something green glowing, they all went near it but Jordan was the oldest so he was not scared. Suddenly they heard strange noises until some black thing came out the ground and clawed Jordan on his face so Toni screamed like a girl and got a bat off Ben and hit it until he got blood all over him and the bat. Kira and Bianca started laughing at Toni about the screaming and Jordan looked angry, so Kira got something to get rid of the blood off Jordan's face. Zak got a bag and Ben and Jake covered the skinned alien and took it to Potty Heights.

People where being taken over by aliens. The aliens where shining the green light, which would decrease gravity which would make people rise into the space ship, they built a machine to make people turn into aliens to make a army. The machine would transform them into weird creatures.

The sky was dark red and misty as the green lights was shining down. As the group was heading back to the flats they saw a scary creature climbing the flats. It was about 6ft tall and he looked furry and it was matte black. The creature had no eyes but it had sharp blue glowing teeth. As the creature was climbing up the flats they notice they saw smaller aliens following including Paris, Toni shouted Paris then she turned around and they saw her face was taring apart. Jake said she must of been bit because she has a mark on her neck, Talia went close to Paris so then Paris dragged her and carried her to the top. The group ran in the flats and got the lift to the 14th floor, they where panicking.

When the door opened they where greeted by an army of aliens and they all had there teeth showing wide. They notice they saw alien Paris and Talia but they had to get through all the other aliens first. Kira had an idea she had a firework from bonfire night in her bag so she sparked it and lit it and threw it down the left hand side so the aliens can follow it so there away from Talia and Paris. Once the group got to Talia they had to fight Paris to get to her. Bianca was throwing stones at Paris to get attention while Kai stood behind her with a bat and hit her on her head twice until she fell and was unconscious. The gang got Talia while the others got some fuel to Paris and they aliens saw Paris getting burnt to death and they got scared then ran away. So the faith and humanity was restored. 

As the group left Paris burnt they did not realise she was twitching.....

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