Wednesday 30 November 2016


One day on Friday night Kira and Bianca were walking up to meet Toni and Ben up Potty Heights because nobody was on the street and it was quiet. As they were walking up they met Jake and Jordan near the shops but they were looking for Talia, Paris and Luke. Kira got a phone call and it was Zak and Kai saying they saw something in Scott Hall field.

They all met and gathered together and ran to the field, Zak said something fell out of the sky and it was something green glowing, they all went near it but Jordan was the oldest so he was not scared. Suddenly they heard strange noises until some black thing came out the ground and clawed Jordan on his face so Toni screamed like a girl and got a bat off Ben and hit it until he got blood all over him and the bat. Kira and Bianca started laughing at Toni about the screaming and Jordan looked angry, so Kira got something to get rid of the blood off Jordan's face. Zak got a bag and Ben and Jake covered the skinned alien and took it to Potty Heights.

People where being taken over by aliens. The aliens where shining the green light, which would decrease gravity which would make people rise into the space ship, they built a machine to make people turn into aliens to make a army. The machine would transform them into weird creatures.

The sky was dark red and misty as the green lights was shining down. As the group was heading back to the flats they saw a scary creature climbing the flats. It was about 6ft tall and he looked furry and it was matte black. The creature had no eyes but it had sharp blue glowing teeth. As the creature was climbing up the flats they notice they saw smaller aliens following including Paris, Toni shouted Paris then she turned around and they saw her face was taring apart. Jake said she must of been bit because she has a mark on her neck, Talia went close to Paris so then Paris dragged her and carried her to the top. The group ran in the flats and got the lift to the 14th floor, they where panicking.

When the door opened they where greeted by an army of aliens and they all had there teeth showing wide. They notice they saw alien Paris and Talia but they had to get through all the other aliens first. Kira had an idea she had a firework from bonfire night in her bag so she sparked it and lit it and threw it down the left hand side so the aliens can follow it so there away from Talia and Paris. Once the group got to Talia they had to fight Paris to get to her. Bianca was throwing stones at Paris to get attention while Kai stood behind her with a bat and hit her on her head twice until she fell and was unconscious. The gang got Talia while the others got some fuel to Paris and they aliens saw Paris getting burnt to death and they got scared then ran away. So the faith and humanity was restored. 

As the group left Paris burnt they did not realise she was twitching.....

Wednesday 9 November 2016


Alien abduction,
One night at Poternewton Hieghts

Bianca, Toni, Talia, Dom, Taffie, Kira, Jordan, Jake, Kai, Zak, Ryan, Luke, Paris big black alien

On Pottnewton Hights 

Getting chased by Aliens

One day on friday night Kira and Bianca were walking up to meet Toni and Dom up Potty Hights because nobody was on the street and it was quiet, As they were walking up they met Jake and Jordan near the shops but they were looking for Talia, Paris and Luke. Kira got a phone call and it was Zak and Kai saying they saw something in Scott Hall field .

People will be taken over by aliens

A green light heading to the flats and then they all saw a big black alien climbing the flat with all the young ones and the group snook inside just to see where there going too, they can see them all falling out of the sky. The whole of the sky was red and it was raining steaming hot.

The killing

They heard screaming and yelling then they saw Paris turning into a Alien THEN! She picked up Talia and took her to the tip on the building and then Kira went to get a big stick to hit Paris with, she kills the alien and restores normality to the world.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Creative Writing Skills task 1C 28th Sept 2016 SHORT PIECE CHRISTMAS THEFT

Once upon a time, it was Christmas Eve and it was a snowy day, everybody was out doing food shopping apart from one family who stayed in to play games and have fun since they have everything ready for the next big day. Mother was putting all the presents under the Christmas tree and then she stood back staring at it until she saw something was missing... it was the Angel it was not at the top of the tree, she started to panic and she ran into the room and she told them the Angel was not there so the whole family was searching for the Angel,  then the father said he will go buy one.  He went into the car and drove to find one but they was all sold out, his daughter told him to get a star which he did not think of, so he bought a star and went back home to enjoy the rest of the day. While they were home the mother was asking about the star and saying how beautiful it was, then she put it up at the top of the tree. They  decided to watch a christmas movie and had some hot chocolate and the kids fell asleep for the big day ahead. The next day it was Christmas, the kids woke up ran down stairs to open all the presents. The grand parents came and had more presents to open, they opened all of it and the mother got a diamond ring, the father got a rolex watch, the daughter got a Michael Kors neckless, and the son got an electric scooter.
They did not know the presents was stolen but the grand parents looked a bit suspicious because last year the children got dolls that were cheap,  this year how come it changed and they got expensive stuff worth a lot ? The mother was asking about the police car outside the house, the police knocked on the door asking about the stolen gifts by two old people what took stuff twice from each shopping center so they said they do not know who that could be, the police said they caught them on camera so the grand parents owned up and said they stole the gifts.  They had no money and all they wanted to have was a good christmas and to surprise there grand kids, the police said its Christmas day so they told them they can keep the gifts and have a good christmas so they thanked the police still the mother and father were upset, at least the kids had a good Christmas.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Introduction to composing music Wednesday 14th September 2016


Articulation is what we used to help describe the type of music we are listening to. It can change how it feels by the type of note and the length of notes we use. When listening articulation is what will give the song feel and meaning, we see some good use of vocal articulation in opera where the voice is used to tell the story and the articulation is used to help with the intensity and the mood of the piece
We can see this in some pop music where the feel of the notes is more important than how clearly the words are spoken this is a feel thing mainly used by young people who use a lot of slang.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Acoustic Recording Techniques the recording process 11 5 2016

The first thing we did was run the stage box and then we placed the mcrophones in the drums
This is Kai he is running this stage box cable safely out of the way to make sure there is no trip hazard
 Each channel on the stage box will have the same channel number as the audio interface so that we can keep track of what sound is going the which track this makes it easy to follow.

This is an AKG micro microphone on the snare we make sure that the microphone is placed close to the drum to help to reduce any noise spill

 AKG micro on the tom
 This is the AKG S1000 that we used on the hi hats it is place at an angle about 2 inches from the snare 
it will pick up some noise but it will be kept to a minimum and we can EQ some of the noise out when we mix the track
 The audio interface is the Focusrite clarett we use this to send sound to and from the computer all the microphones are plugged into this and then the sound goes to the computer where we can see the level and make any adjustments
 Genelec studio monitor professional monitor , we had to be careful of the sound level to protect our ears

the bass is pugged directly into the audio interface which means that there wont be any noise spill on the bass track from the drums so we don't have to put them in separate rooms

 We use Logic Pro to record the bass guitar and drum kit at he same time, we used we used six different microphones on the drum kit and the bass was plugged directly into the audio interface, each track was separated using the interface and logic pro which gave us full control of each individual sound . We were then able to mix the track also monitor and change the level of each track so we can add dynamics and effects for a professional sound.We had to take regular breaks to make sure we didn't get tired and protect our eyes and rest our backs and neck...
At the end of the day we managed to record a good track that we can add more instruments to , we add the vocals from the vocal booth which is acoustically treated this ensures that we get the best vocal sound with no noise spill at all, although you can hear the head phone spill on the vocal track

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Exploring a career in the creative sector 1.3

1.3 Two areas of work or training that interest me are

I would consider being an artist because i like expressing myself with paining it is a very calming way to pass time.
i would like to attend a art and design collage, where i could persue different types of art especially graffiti as i love this type of art. The most as you can be very creative with lots of different colours one place i could do this would be Leeds Collage of Art.

Or maybe the London collage of contemporary art where i might have a wider choice of what i could study as it is a bigger city with more opportunities.

Another area of interest for me would be Drama,
i could study at somewhere like Stage Coach in Huddersfield where i could learn how to become an actress  i would study to act in Film and Theatre, i could then travel the world which i would definitely do and maybe travel to America.

Exploring a career in the creative sector 1.2 27 01 2016

One job in the creative sector is a broadcasting DJ                      

Here is what an average DJ can expect to earn.

Career Requirements

Degree LevelPostsecondary education is not technically required; bachelor's degree is common
Degree FieldBroadcast journalism, communications
ExperienceOn-the-job training is generally required; college radio experience is common
Key SkillsSpeaking, listening, communication, writing, and comprehension skills; vocal delivery; proficiency with broadcasting tools and technology
Salary (2014)$29,790 (Median for Radio and Television Announcers)


In Denmark, for instance, 275 artists are granted an annual stipend of ­between 15,000 and 149,000 Danish krone (£1,750 to £17,000) every year for the rest of their lives. In France, public funds are awarded through regional bodies not unlike our arts councils, ­except that the range of awards is much greater: artists in the Ile-de-France ­region, which includes Paris, can, for instance, claim up to ¤7,500 (£6,545) specifically to equip their studios.

What qualifications on how to become an Artist 

Many universities or art colleges will be looking for you to have an art foundation qualification under your belt – a one-year course usually taken after A-levels – before progressing on to an art and design degree course.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Acoustic Recording Techniques Different mics 4/5/16

These are some of the different mics we are looking at when we are in the recording studio recording a few musicians at the same time . This is an AKG MicroMic 11  used for close drum micing up.

Base drum mic which is used for recording in the studio and live performance AKG SA40
big and is good for loud bass sounds like a kick drum or in front of a bass rig as an alternative sound to DI

This is a SM 58 dynamic microphone mainly used in a live performance it is not as sensitive as a condenser but is very strong and hard waring

This is a condenser mic mainly used in a studio recording session for vocals it is a Rhode NT2 it is sensitive and good for vocal recording

Stage Snake
This is what we use to send  individual signals to individual channels on the computer
ie Voice on 1 Bass on 2 kick drum on 3 and so on

We would send the signal to the audio interface that is connected to the computer and separate the channels in Logic pro

Here is an example of Kai setting up a condenser microphone using a mic stand this is a lesson we had on setting up a mic stand and safely putting it away

MUSIC FOR PERFORMANCE Task 4.1 My Setlist 4/5/2016

My setlist for a grime party

The type of party i would perform at would be a grime party here is a set list i would use
these are some of the biggest grime tracks out at the moment and the type of crowd would be 14 to 17 year old

Nines- Fire in the booth
Chip- Run Out Riddim
Peak ft Mo Squeeze- Like I Care

Mo Stack Three songs , 1 I Do   ,2 One Day,    3 Paranoid
Stormzy         Wicked Skeng Man
67 Dem Man
Skrapz   Waiting

Friday 12 February 2016

Music for performance Task 3.1 3/2/2016

                                                     Different   Rhythms and tempos

Raggae (Lovers Rock)

This is a dancing type of reggae song that has a steady rhythm it is based around the vocal so the massage is in the lyrics. The down beat i very important in reggae and the most popular rhythm is called one drop which is the one that is used mainly is lovers rock.

Indian Sitar music

This has a fast rhythm and it is based around this sitar and the Tabla drums
it is relaxing and has a hippie vibe there is no set rhythm and it is quite flowing
it is nothing like Reggae music as it doesn't make you want to dance and it is more helpful for thinking.

Beethoven's 5 symphony

Beethoven 5th Symphony sounds terrifying, the tempo is not very clear and keeps changing this makes the music tense and exciting and also scary it also sounds very big and powerful.

Love Hangover Diana Ross

Love Hangover Diana Ross starts off relaxing and slow at first then it gets faster this makes you start to dance like your in a disco and like an groovy motion. The tempo changes makes exciting and fun to listen to.

Ike and Tina Proud Mary

Ike and Tina Proud Mary
This song starts slowly with singing and talking, it is good to clap your hands to but when it gets to the middle of the song it has a faster dance vibe which makes it sounds good. It gets louder and louder and even faster at the end which makes it very exciting.

Radio Head Paranoid Android

Radio Head Paranoid Android stars off with a gentle mid tempo, the vibe is quite depressing with the vocals sounding quite sad half way through the tempo gets very slow and even more sadder. Then the tempo increases and becomes very rocky and loud which has a dance vibe then a very abrupt end the overall song moody which is done by the tempo changes.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Exploring a Career 20/01/2016 1.1

 1.1 Outline key services of information

One of the places you could use for services and information is universities
where you could study different courses and make friends who have lots of ideas they can share
Another way to get information would be to volunteer  somewhere like a hospital radio station where you could learn how things work in the industry and pick up hands on experience while you help.


Here is another way to get information, to experience jobs and get to see the studios .ITV production jobs range from graphic designers to editors by visiting the websites where you can get information and then visit the site on open days where you can make contact and ask for information or apply for jobs.

One of the best ways to get information is from friends because they have lots of different ideas and contacts that they share also they could have family or parents who are very supportive and it could be a long working partnership


Wednesday 20 January 2016

Music For Performance Task 1a 1b 8 / 1 / 2016

Today we are looking at how music changes the mood or the atmosphere. The first clip we looked at was the baby dancing group which was an Evan Advert. The film was weird because there were children dancing to adult music with baby faces. Also it's kind of funny and it looks like the children are enjoying themselves in the trailer. The music helps to make it stand out, also it keeps me interested.

Here is the link to the youtube video

The next clip we looked at was Alien 3 and it's kind of a scary jumpy movie to watch. The mood is very terrifying which is created with help from the music. It starts as a slow tempo, quiet piece of music and it slowly gets louder so it gets more and more scary. All the instruments are real, this makes the soundtrack sound bigger and I think this adds to the tension.

Charlie Chaplin

The first thing you notice is that there is only music in this film there is no other sound. There's  no talking but every time Charlie moves in the film there's an instrument a violin which plays every time he walks, if he does something sudden there is a loud musical stab that makes you jump. The lion had a trombone sound so it made the lion seem powerful and added tension at the end, i thought it was a bit weird because he took a long time to get out of the cage time even though the women opened the cage for him. But i thought it was quite funny and enjoyed it the music kept me interested and put me in a good mood.
This is a link to the movie

At the start of the film there is the sound of bells and children with music quietly in the background which is slowly getting louder this make you feel nervous , also what i like about this film is that there are lots of sounds  playing with the music which is like Opera, when the helicopters come it sounds like there is war going on with the army and big guns shooting bombs, the mood of the music becomes very victorious. The vibe is very strong and tense and it looks like the soldiers in the helicopters are going to win because the  music makes them seem very powerful
Here is the link to the clip